Audio from Sunday Morning Worship Services at Grace Lutheran Church in Edmonds, WA. The Grace Lutheran Podcast is usually updated on the afternoons or evenings of the day of the Worship Service.

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Exercise Faith to Overcome Sin

Offertory, “For the Beauty of the Earth”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Exercise Faith to Overcome Sin”

Sermon Text:  Mark 9:38-50

18 Pentecost_9-22-24_Mark 9.30-37_Faith to be Servant of All

Possess Faith to be a Servant of All

Offertory, “Nearer, My God, to Thee”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Possess Faith to be a servant of all

Sermon Text:  Mark 9:30-37

18 Pentecost_9-22-24_Mark 9.30-37_Faith to be Servant of All

Have Faith to Overcome Doubt

Offertory, “In the Presence of Jehovah”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Have Faith to Overcome Doubt

Sermon Text:  Mark 9:14-29

17 Pentecost_9-15-24_Mark 9.14–29_Faith to Overcome Doubt

Persevere in Faith

Offertory, “He’s Always Been Faithful”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Persevere in Faith

Sermon Text: Mark 7:24-30

16 Pentecost_9-8-24_Mark 7.24-30_Persevere in Faith

Be Clean by Faith

Offertory, “Apple Tree”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Be Clean by Faith

Sermon Text: Mark 7:14-23

15 Pentecost_9-1-24_Mark 7.14-23_Be Clean by Faith

Our Turn

Offertory, “Nearer, Still Nearer”

Speaker: Rich Erickson, “Our Turn”

Sermon Text: Hebrews 12:1–4

Follow Jesus in Faith

Offertory, “The Greatest of These Is Love”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Follow Jesus in Faith”

Sermon Text: John 6:51-69

13 Pentecost_8-18-24_John 6.51-69_Follow Jesus by Faith

Receive Jesus by Faith

Offertory, “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Receive Jesus by Faith”

Sermon Text: John 6:35-51

12 Pentecost_8-11-24_John 6.35–51_Receive Jesus by Faith

Be Satisfied with Jesus by Faith

Offertory, “Be Thou My Vision” and “I Must Tell Jesus”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Be Satisfied with Jesus by Faith

Sermon Text: John 6:22-35

11 Pentecost_8-4-24_John 6.22-35_Be Satisfied with Jesus

Overcome Fear with Faith

Offertory, “Jesus Loves Me” and “For God So Loved the World”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Overcome Fear with Faith”

Sermon Text: Mark 6:45-52

10 Pentecost_7-28-24_Mark 6.45-56_Overcome Fear with Faith