Audio from Sunday Morning Worship Services at Grace Lutheran Church in Edmonds, WA. The Grace Lutheran Podcast is usually updated on the afternoons or evenings of the day of the Worship Service.

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Have Faith in God to Supply

Offertory, “In the Presence of Jehovah

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Have Faith in God to Supply”

Sermon Text: Mark 6:30-44

9 Pentecost_7-21-24_Mark 6.30-44_Faith in God to Supply

Demonstrate Courageous Faith

Offertory, “Children of the Heavenly Father”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Demonstrate Courageous Faith

Sermon Text: Mark 6:14-29

8 Pentecost_7-14-24_Mark 6.14-29_Demonstrate Courageous Faith


Proclaim the Kingdom with Faith

Offertory, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Proclaim the Kingdom with Faith

Sermon Text: Mark 6:1-13

7 Pentecost_7-7-24_Mark 6.1-13_Proclaim the Gospel with Faith

Can You Feed 5000?

Offertory, “Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower”

Speaker: Fred Van Gorkum, “Can You Feed 5000?”

Sermon Text: John 6:1-15

Face Storms with Faith

Offertory, “He Hideth My Soul”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Face Storms with Faith”

Sermon Text: Mark 4:35-41

5 Pentecost_6-23-24_Mark 4.35-41_Face Storms with Faith

Plant Seeds in Faith

Offertory, “Coming Home”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Plant Seeds in Faith”

Sermon Text: Mark 4:26-34

4 Pentecost_6-16-24_Mark 4.26-34_Plant Seeds by Faith

Do the Will of God by faith

Offertory, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Do the Will of God by faith”

Sermon Text: Mark 3:20-35

3 Pentecost_6-9-24_Mark 3.20-35_Do the Will of God by Faith

Confess Faith in the Lord of the Sabbath

Offertory, “Does It Make Any Difference to You?” and “Just As I Am”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Confess Faith in the Lord of the Sabbath”

Sermon Text: Mark 2:23-3:6

2 Pentecost_6-2-24_Mark 2.23-3.6_Confess Faith

The God Who Saves

Offertory, “Blessed Assurance”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “The God Who Saves”

Sermon Text: Acts 2:14-36

Holy Trinity_5-26-24_Acts 2.14-36_The God Who Saves

The Testimony of the Holy Spirit

Offertory, “Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit”

Speaker: Tim Johnson, “The Testimony of the Holy Spirit”

Sermon Text: John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Pentecost_5-19-24_John 15.26-27_16.4b-15