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- We are a congregation of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America.
- Grace is a theologically conservative and evangelical congregation in the Lutheran tradition.
- Our vision is to be an instrument of God’s love through which our world will come to know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord.
- We believe the Bible is God’s word and thus the only reliable source and guide for faith, doctrine and life.
- We accept the Lutheran Church’s confession of faith as being in conformity with God’s word.
- We believe that a congregation is to be an assembly of Christians where the word of God is preached in truth and purity and where the sacraments are administered in accordance with the Lord’s institution.
- We conduct our services using a simple order of worship, centered in the word of God, drawing on the enduring music of the Christian faith, in the rhythm of the traditional church year.
- We are actively interested in giving persons of all ages the opportunity to experience personally salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and find His way in their lives.
- We encourage the participation of lay persons in spreading the gospel and furthering the work of the kingdom of God.
- We believe in a strong evangelistic emphasis and with other congregations support mission work in the United States and around the world.
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