Exercise Faith to Overcome Sin
Offertory, “For the Beauty of the Earth” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Exercise Faith to Overcome Sin” Sermon Text: Mark 9:38-50 18 Pentecost_9-22-24_Mark 9.30-37_Faith to be Servant of All
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Offertory, “For the Beauty of the Earth” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Exercise Faith to Overcome Sin” Sermon Text: Mark 9:38-50 18 Pentecost_9-22-24_Mark 9.30-37_Faith to be Servant of All
Offertory, “Nearer, My God, to Thee” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Possess Faith to be a servant of all” Sermon Text: Mark 9:30-37 18 Pentecost_9-22-24_Mark 9.30-37_Faith to be Servant of All
Offertory, “In the Presence of Jehovah” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Have Faith to Overcome Doubt” Sermon Text: Mark 9:14-29 17 Pentecost_9-15-24_Mark 9.14–29_Faith to Overcome Doubt
Offertory, “He’s Always Been Faithful” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Persevere in Faith” Sermon Text: Mark 7:24-30 16 Pentecost_9-8-24_Mark 7.24-30_Persevere in Faith
Offertory, “Apple Tree” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Be Clean by Faith” Sermon Text: Mark 7:14-23 15 Pentecost_9-1-24_Mark 7.14-23_Be Clean by Faith
Offertory, “Nearer, Still Nearer” Speaker: Rich Erickson, “Our Turn” Sermon Text: Hebrews 12:1–4
Offertory, “The Greatest of These Is Love” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Follow Jesus in Faith” Sermon Text: John 6:51-69 13 Pentecost_8-18-24_John 6.51-69_Follow Jesus by Faith
Offertory, “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Receive Jesus by Faith” Sermon Text: John 6:35-51 12 Pentecost_8-11-24_John 6.35–51_Receive Jesus by Faith
Offertory, “Be Thou My Vision” and “I Must Tell Jesus” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Be Satisfied with Jesus by Faith” Sermon Text: John 6:22-35 11 Pentecost_8-4-24_John 6.22-35_Be Satisfied with Jesus
Offertory, “Jesus Loves Me” and “For God So Loved the World” Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Overcome Fear with Faith” Sermon Text: Mark 6:45-52 10 Pentecost_7-28-24_Mark 6.45-56_Overcome Fear with Faith