The Righteous Branch
Offertory, “Watchman, Tell Us of the Night”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “The Righteous Branch”
Sermon Text: Jeremiah 33:14-16
1 Advent_12-1-2024_Jeremiah 33.14–16_The Righteous Branch
Podcast: Download (Duration: 19:50 — 20.7MB)
Offertory, “Watchman, Tell Us of the Night”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “The Righteous Branch”
Sermon Text: Jeremiah 33:14-16
1 Advent_12-1-2024_Jeremiah 33.14–16_The Righteous Branch
Podcast: Download (Duration: 19:50 — 20.7MB)
Offertory, “Song” & “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Wait In Faith”
Sermon Text: Mark 13:24-37
Christ the King_11-24-24_Mark 13.24-37_Wait in Faith
Podcast: Download (Duration: 29:07 — 30.5MB)
Offertory, “This Is My Father’s World”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Endure to the End by Faith”
Sermon Text: Mark 13:1-13
26 Pentecost_11-17-24_Mark 13.1-13_Endure by Faith
Podcast: Download (Duration: 30:10 — 30.0MB)
Offertory, “Father, We Thank You”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Give Generously by Faith”
Sermon Text: Mark 12:38-44
25 Pentecost_11-10-24_Mark 12.38-44_Be Generous by Faith
Podcast: Download (Duration: 24:02 — 23.2MB)
Offertory, “Behold a Host”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Be Blessed through Faith”
Sermon Text: Matthew 5:1-12
All Saints Sunday_Matthew 5.1–12_Be Blessed through Faith
Podcast: Download (Duration: 22:25 — 23.3MB)
Offertory, “Jesus Paid It All”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Be Righteous Through Faith”
Sermon Text: Romans 3:19-28
Reformation Sunday_10-27-2024_Romans 3.19-28_Be Righteous by Faith
Podcast: Download (Duration: 29:11 — 30.9MB)
Offertory, “We Sing the Might Power of God”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Be Rich by Faith”
Sermon Text: Mark 10:23-31
22 Pentecost_10-20-24_Mark 10.23-31_Be Rich by Faith
Podcast: Download (Duration: 29:58 — 31.5MB)
Offertory, “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Have Faith to Remain Faithful”
Sermon Text: Mark 10:2-16
20 Pentecost_10-6-24_Mark 10.2-16 _Keep Faith to be Faithful
Podcast: Download (Duration: 18:31 — 18.6MB)
Offertory, “For the Beauty of the Earth”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Exercise Faith to Overcome Sin”
Sermon Text: Mark 9:38-50
18 Pentecost_9-22-24_Mark 9.30-37_Faith to be Servant of All
Podcast: Download (Duration: 31:20 — 31.6MB)
Offertory, “Nearer, My God, to Thee”
Speaker: Tim Johnson, “Possess Faith to be a servant of all”
Sermon Text: Mark 9:30-37
18 Pentecost_9-22-24_Mark 9.30-37_Faith to be Servant of All
Podcast: Download (Duration: 24:21 — 25.8MB)